Sunday, May 18, 2008

iPhone Version 2.0 Countdown!

I can hardly wait for the launch of the new iPhone and applications. There is speculation everywhere about how and when it will happen. Most are predicting June. The functionality of some of these apps is really exciting. It will truly be a small computer that also has a phone built into it.



While we are waiting for the new iphone to arrive I found this site that has solved one of my issues with the phone...the inability to use it as a voice recorder. ReQall offers a free service that provides you with the ability to call in a note, a reminder, a shopping list item etc. using a number they provide. Your voice note is then converted to text that appears on your ReQall web page. The service will also email or text message a reminder to you. I have been using it all week and love it. This service is not just for the iphone. It will work with any cell phone.


I am probably one of the few people not addicted to YouTube although it has occurred to me that, rather than filling up my .Mac site with video, using one of the video sharing sites might work well. One of the Mac magazines reviewed video sharing web sites recently so I decided to take the plunge. The site that sounded most interesting, Vimeo, is set up to handle HD video. I checked out the site and signed up. This is my Viemo homepage. As a test I loaded a clip shot with the pocket sized DVG-567V HD Camera. It loaded easily. I plan to test an HD clip from Myanmar soon. This is a great way to share video!


OK, I have not tried this software and it probably should be under the Random Stuff category however I could not help mentioning this. Robert J. Lang was one of the speakers at the Serious Play conference. He is an Origami Master (I don't know who bestows the titles?). Check out his homepage.

He developed free software called TreeMaker that will allow you to use the computer to create complex origami forms. You can download the software here. If any of you try it let me know how it works!

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