Saturday, January 12, 2008

Three Days to MacWorld

I didn't find much to add the the list this week. I'm sure I will find some great stuff next week at MacWorld.


I forgot to add one great program to the list. It's called Soundslides. It was designed for photojournalists to quickly get images organized into a Flash based slide show that could be uploaded to the web. It creates great slide shows with sound for the web.

I also discovered MarsEdit. If you post to a blog this software allows you to compose off-line and then upload your post and images to your blog. Red Sweater Software offers this software. The guy that wrote the software and owns the company previously worked for Apple.


If video chat or use the video mode in Skype you will love this new, compact but powerful, Logitech camera. It is far superior to the camera built into the Mac Book and Mac Book Pro. I like it for two reasons. First, it has a wide angle lens. Second, it produces a bright, sharp image. It connects to your computer via USB. It has a built-in clip designed to attach to the top of your laptop screen. It also ships with a useful stand if you want to use it on your desk top.

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